The Future of Natural Gas
in a Changing World

Biogas Plant

To achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission goals, the natural gas system is valuable in its ability to store and transport large amounts of energy to meet peak energy demands. 

The gas industry is increasing use of high-efficiency gas applications and methane reduction technologies.

The natural gas industry is evolving to further reduce emissions. Gas utilities are investigating use of low-carbon gases. 

Biogas is a renewable form of natural gas that is derived from non-food sources of organic waste including landfill and manure.  Biogas and other sources of renewable natural gas may be produced from various waste streams including farms and landfills.


Did you know?

  • Emissions from the natural gas distribution system have declined 69% since 1990. 
  • As little as .1% of natural gas delivered nationwide is emitted from local distribution systems. 
  • Carbon dioxide emissions from residences using natural gas for space heating, water heating, cooking, and cloths drying are about 22% lower than those attributable to an all-electric home.